Sonntag, 28. August 2011


I've been with a friend to Rome for one week - it was incredibly awesome there!
Such a beautiful city! Especially I like the Colosseo as well as Fontana di Trevi at night - when there aren't so many tourists.

Dienstag, 9. August 2011

Sonntag, 7. August 2011

Amica II

Sometimes I have the problem that I don't know when a painting is finished and when not.
But this time I had the feeling that I should not continue painting even if some parts still are blank.
However, I guess that this is what defines Amica II.

Montag, 1. August 2011

Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

Family portrait

Finally I finished this acrylic painting today. I changed it quite often, at the beginning it was pretty realistic which needed an awful lot of time! But then I thought that it'd be too boring this way and decided to paint more abstractly. This is what came out...

Samstag, 2. Juli 2011


these days I'm pretty much into fashion
- a maximum of white vs. maxi skirts -
I admit that I'm not that good at puns, if you can even call  MAX. I WHITE a pun
not really, doesn't matter.

have a nice week-end!

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

Feel the freedom!

Today I had my last exam of my A-levels. It was pretty good, I'm very content with the results.
The first thing I did afterwards was painting something.
This is the outcome:


Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011


A portrait I did some weeks ago: Realism mixed with abstract elements.

Sonntag, 10. April 2011


I did this painting today. Usually I'm not that into abstract expressionism but today I was outside in the sun and it was pretty much fun to drip and slosh.

Dienstag, 5. April 2011


I made a header for Jil from Jille Pille. Her blog is beautiful, you have to check it out (-:

Freitag, 1. April 2011

Freitag, 18. März 2011


Mittwoch, 2. März 2011


Last week I did my A-Levels in arts. I'm pretty content with the result.
I could choose from a painting of a city and a sculpture combined with a plant pot.